Welcome Forum The Lounge Are you sad to see Enterprise cancelled?

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    Are you sad to see the latest series of Gene Roddenberry’s vision of the future go off the air? Personally I have some mixed feelings because on the one had I don’t really care for the prequel idea and didn’t think it had the power and creativity of the other trek series. On the other hand its sad to not have Star Trek on the air anymore… Drogar-Cry(LBG).gif

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  • #10437
    GTO Man

    Have they said what the reason is for it going off the air. If it goes off and enough people complain maybe it will be brought back at a later date.

    Have they said what the reason is for it going off the air. If it goes off and enough people complain maybe it will be brought back at a latter date.

    The reason is poor ratings. It has never done superbly well and this last year Paramount decided to not renew it. Chances of bringing it back are slim, though it could happen – as demonstrated with Farscape. IMO the fanbase was much more committed to getting Farscape back, though, because of the terrible way Bad Timing ended (pm me if you want to know what happened).


    A fortnight ago i would have said no. i had watched most of the first series through the internet, and was totally unimpressed. it sucked. so when i head it had been cancelled i was not suprised. i thought it a bit pathetic that the fans were tryting to finance another series from their own pockets (although i understand they raised a substantial sum) but then i happened to catch an episode a couple of weekends ago. they were on earth in the “early 21st century” zaping aliens and sending stuff through time. certainly wayyyyy more interesting than “oh, we tocuhed hands in a holodeck and now i’m prgenant BUT OH MY GOD I AM A MAN!!!!!!!!!!”

    I’ll have to watch some more before making a definitive opinion.


    One of things that lost it’s appeal to me right off the bat is that we are use to watching Star Trek shows with such advanced technology and knowing how far the Federation has evolved only to have it yanked from us and to start all over again. I got very impatient with the series development early.

    Now the past few episodes have been very interesting but I’m afraid it is too little to late. I think a little break for the Star Trek franchise is in order, let things smooth over for one to three years, maybe even five and try again.


    I’m not surprised it’s being canceled. I think they should have connected to the original series era with the story lines more instead of this time travel war that wasn’t in any of the other series. This was supposed to be the lead in to the Federation and Kirk’s “Boldly going where no man has gone before” 5 year mission. They are going this direction now, two episode alternate universe story, but it’s too late. I never used to miss an episode of the past series but now if I miss an episode, it’s not important. I think the franchise needs to take a break and think about what to do next. Lucas hasn’t told great stories with Star Wars 1+2 but he has kept to the story line and showed how things led to the original movie, part 4. I hope part 3 will tie up the loose ends.

    I’m not surprised it’s being canceled. I think they should have connected to the original series era with the story lines more instead of this time travel war that wasn’t in any of the other series. This was supposed to be the lead in to the Federation and Kirk’s “Boldly going where no man has gone before” 5 year mission. They are going this direction now, two episode alternate universe story, but it’s too late. I never used to miss an episode of the past series but now if I miss an episode, it’s not important. I think the franchise needs to take a break and think about what to do next. Lucas hasn’t told great stories with Star Wars 1+2 but he has kept to the story line and showed how things led to the original movie, part 4. I hope part 3 will tie up the loose ends.

    I agree, and you haven’t heard anything since about the suliban or temporal cold war. I just don’t like the idea of a prequel, it violates Kirk’s era (by the way they did it) and plus like someone mentioned you can’t really see the advancement of mankind.

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