Welcome Forum The Lounge I feel better!

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  • #4952

    I realized I dislike people that are slobs… especially those that empty their cigarette ashtrays at stoplights, and those that toss their butts out the window… Just once I’d like to toss it back, we don’t live in a garbage can!

    I also dislike people that live in their cars, never bothering to clean them up, but are the first ones to park their POS next to mine, when I park several feet away from the door ~ to get exercise and to avoid the idiots! Those are the same people that complain when we take up two spots. I also dislike people that park in the handicapped stalls, but either beat me to the door, or weigh 500 lbs., but don’t see a problem.

    There! I feel better! :unsure:

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  • #37472

    People are lazy, and society is built on hypocrisy. That same person who empties there ashtray at a stoplight, aka littering, will be the same person to bitch at you for driving a gas-guzzling V8 and leaving your carbon footprint. Nothing bothers me worse than when I park at the end of the lot with tons of open space and some idiot parks right next to me, some people don’t have a clue!!

    I’d like to put my carbon footprint right up there Earth Day ass.


    I say AMEN to both of you… B)


    Oh yeah, I agree. Of course my GF has a disability and I am a fat guy, so I just love it when people assume the Disabled placard is mine. A person told me to lose some weight and not use the parking spot. At that time my GF comes around the car with her cane and I tell him…”Hey, the placard is hers. Now let me show you how NOT disabled I am” as I walked toward him with fists clenched. He backed off. :angry: And I never use the placard when I’m by myself. Also, there is a guy with a late 80s Dodge Shadow with a turbo. It’s white and has never been washed…EVER! The dirt is so thick you could plant taters. You can barely tell it’s a white car.


    I’m still wondering if that “Earth Day ass” is green or not?

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