Welcome Forum Car Shows 2nd Anual Back Bar Car Truck and Bike Show

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    How do you know you received all ‘Excellent’s on your judging sheet? Did the Judge show you while he was doing it? If the judge did that, he shouldn’t be judging cars/trucks. If you were standing over his shoulder and hounding him while he was doing his duty (and I am not accusing you of doing so), he may have told you that and lied to you.


    No he did not show me the judging sheet he told me every thing was excellent and besides its non of your business,you werent even there,you who think your some kind of know it all should keep your nose out of other peoples business if it doesnt concern you.


    Hey there… you seem to have had some bad luck at shows in the area ~ we all have those days… I would not stop going to shows because of that. I don’t know when you started showing, but there are lots of shows early in the season that are great ones you shouldn’t have problems at. Going to shows in smaller towns does sometimes present problems, and other times not.

    I’ve told many people that going to shows should be fun, spending the day with your family and friends and if you happen to win an award, it’s a bonus. Life’s too short to worry about some $15 piece of plastic! :)

    Bigbluetruck wrote:
    No he did not show me the judging sheet he told me every thing was excellent and besides its non of your business,you werent even there,you who think your some kind of know it all should keep your nose out of other peoples business if it doesnt concern you.

    You posted it on a public forum, thus making the topic open for discussion.

    I attend a lot of shows, both as a spectator and a participant. I think I know a thing or two about how they are/can be ran by the organizers. I also know a lot of people in the area who have nice cars as they have contracted me to do all types of work.

    Heaven forbid someone would ever lie to you.

    I love new guys who are tough behind the keyboard, especially ones who wear a back brace and bitch when they dont win an award, or when the rest of the world doesn’t agree with them.


    Someone needs to put their big boy pants on……


    Its not about winning awards for me,its about being fair and treating everyone equal.Ive been in a lot of shows this year without winning a thing but i keep on plugging away at it.I had the brace on because i had 3 vertabrete fused,the brace is gone now and i am a lot tougher in person than you might think,like you said this is a puplic forum and i can voice my concerns and my opionion just like everyone else and if it doesnt agree with your way of thinking then thats to bad.


    You’re not that tough……


    Im pushing 60 years old and im sure i can hold my own with most guys half my age.You might be big but that dont make you bad and besides nobody was talking to you anyways.It seems moparkid has some kind of beef with me but it looks like he has you fight all his battles.Going back into the forum articles the last few years it seems moparkid has had his problems with quite a few people.I didnt come on hear to create problems or make enemies,just voicing my opinions and thats just what they are, my opinions.

    Bigbluetruck wrote:
    Its not about winning awards for me,its about being fair and treating everyone equal.Ive been in a lot of shows this year without winning a thing but i keep on plugging away at it.I had the brace on because i had 3 vertabrete fused,the brace is gone now and i am a lot tougher in person than you might think,like you said this is a puplic forum and i can voice my concerns and my opionion just like everyone else and if it doesnt agree with your way of thinking then thats to bad.

    I too agree that everyone should be treated equal, whether it be a car show or in everyday life. I don’t really care why you were in a back brace, actually I said that so I could put a face with the screen name and truck. I saw your truck at JVL, I drive the same truck every damn day.

    As far as you being a lot tougher in person, I could give a rats ass. I’ve got a possible sprained shoulder and could still push your wheelchair down a steep hill. I love old tough guys that find the need to be the internet badass. For the Record, my old man is 61 years old, driven a truck for the last 35, and did two tours in Vietnam as a Dustoff Medic from 70-72. He’s the baddest mother I know, and the only person with an AARP card that could whip my ass.

    It is a public forum, and you have the right to express your opinion. No one is telling you not to. What I’m saying is its my opinion that you get all bent out of shape when you don’t win a $10 trophy.

    Bigbluetruck wrote:
    Im pushing 60 years old and im sure i can hold my own with most guys half my age.You might be big but that dont make you bad and besides nobody was talking to you anyways.It seems moparkid has some kind of beef with me but it looks like he has you fight all his battles.Going back into the forum articles the last few years it seems moparkid has had his problems with quite a few people.I didnt come on hear to create problems or make enemies,just voicing my opinions and thats just what they are, my opinions.

    1. Keep thinking you can “Hold your own” with guys half your age.

    2. DDhemi is big, and you don’t want to see his bad side. References available upon request :whistle:

    3. I don’t have a beef with you, if I did you would be the first to know, and you wouldn’t find out via the internet.

    4. I do have problems with a few people, as some may think. In reality, I’m not afraid to voice my opinion in person or on the web.

    5. Keep thinking ddhemi fights all my battles, old man. I do my own thing.

    6. I enjoy new opinions on this site. What’s your feelings on Gov. Walker’s Union Busting? :)

    I like debating. See you in the gym, Hulkster :whistle:


    I’m not worried in the least.

    GTO Man

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