Welcome Forum Car Shows How many trophies/awards did you win this year?

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  • #5277

    Judges must not have had enough nice stuff to judge at shows this year, because I won 9 awards.

    Tied with last year, 9 also.

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  • #38865

    11 out of 11 shows entered this year with the new ride.


    1 of 1 …. a 50 dollar bill works magic to win a 15 dollar trophy … wait … hmmmm…..


    I always thought it wasnt about the trophys ,instead its suppose to be about showing off your vehicle and meeting and making friends,but i guess thats not the case for most of you people.TROPHY HOUNDS!!!!!


    Here’s a better question:

    Out of the awards you have recieved (of any year), which one(s) meant the most and why?

    For me, I would have to say recieving the Street Achievement Award at World of Wheels Milwaukee…Because it was my first time showing at a large venue that had good exposure, and because it was my first full build and was competing against a lot of insanely well done cars.


    Without a doubt…

    The most memorable award my car received was the GoodGuys Street Rod Association, Rodder’s Rep pick at the Blanchardville Show several years back.



    I have two… winning Best of Show at the now defunct House of Horsepower show at the VFW off CV years ago completely blew my mind, and while the award is huge and thank goodness we had friends with a trailer that day to get it home, the award really means something to me.

    I also won a GoodGuys award at Blanchardville that really sticks out…


    Mine was winning Mayors pick at an all VW cruise in Illinois

    It was one of the few awards still on my shelf in my garage (the rest of them went in the garbage can).


    Bigbluetruck wrote:
    I always thought it wasnt about the trophys ,instead its suppose to be about showing off your vehicle and meeting and making friends,but i guess thats not the case for most of you people.TROPHY HOUNDS!!!!!

    Bark, bark, bitch!!! F*** you i got enough friends! Lol!:laugh: Look, smile face so you cant get mad.

    I had a perfect record this year. 13-0

    Eclipse_Tuner wrote:
    Here’s a better question:

    Out of the awards you have recieved (of any year), which one(s) meant the most and why?

    This year it would have to be winning at Pardeeville. Something about getting that award in my Mom’s hometown just makes me feel good. She was pretty proud of me, too, and I haven’t really done a lot in the last 30 years to make her say that :whistle:

    My first Blanchardville award was also a milestone.

    My very first award came at Platteville in 2003, right after I got my Charger repainted.


    23 shows, 20 of them gave awards (3 charity only, display shows – no awards given)
    23 trophies and/or plaques ,,, doubled up on a couple of them.

    probably the most meaningful ones this year… Janesville, WI – Rockford, IL – Quincy, IL

    I didn’t really know anyone at those shows, so I know for a fact there wasn’t any votes for us just because we may be friends with some of the participants. I do ok around home, but you never really know if you’re getting votes because of friendships, or if you really are the car people like the most. Plus, I got to see a whole new batch of cars, and meet a lot of very nice car owners and spectators.


    You all say its not about the trophys,then why even register your ride just bring it,dont register and enjoy the day.To be honest i would love to win at every show i go to but realisticly i know thats not going to happen and if everything is on the up and up at a show im happy to be able to show off my truck knowing i did my best.Who doesnt like winning?By the way my best of class award at the united methodist church in milton a couple of weeks ago came as a big surprise and was a very humble and exciting moment for me.People seem to take my input on here as a persoal attack.Im not attacking anyone ,if you win at a show its because you deserved to win.My bitch is with shows that do not seem to treat all entrants equally.Opinions are like assholes,every one has one and some of them stink.If i have personaly offended any one on here than i am truly sorry,that was not my intent.Just voicing my opionion and my personal observations.Hope to see you all next year.


    I always “register” at the show because I try to show respect to the organizer who’s spent time and money on putting together the event. My registration money goes to help reimburse for awards, door prizes, dj fees, equipment rentals, and the balance going to a “cause” of some type. What I’d really enjoy is if we’d completely eliminate ALL the trophies. Period. It would do away with all the campaigning and BS that goes along with participant voting,, I wouldn’t have to spend a bunch of time trying to decide who’s “better”,, and we could cut an hour or so off of each show. I enjoy the driving to/from the show, the “showing off” the vehicle to people who’ve never seen it,, talking with other vehicle owners and hearing their vehicle history,, and seeing all the other cars that I’ve never seen before. The awards procedure is a nuisance if you ask me. Unfortunately, a LOT of people would disagree with this, and would not attend a show like this. So, then I wouldn’t get to see as many cars/trucks, and it’d be a death-spiral to the show itself. There’s no perfect way to resolve people getting their feelings hurt (and/or pissed off) at some shows.

    Blown69RS wrote:
    What I’d really enjoy is if we’d completely eliminate ALL the trophies. Period.

    I totally agree with this. Use some of the sponsors money for door prizes to keep folks at the show. Everyone loves gas cards. And if you must have awards, just do a couple best of’s (not based on voting, but on the folks that run the show).


    Two trophies stick out for me……..I won at Horses and Hogs in Fondy, they have the koolist trophies, and we won a huge cruize trophy in which I didn’t think we had a chance in hell to win. The cruize was featuring Mercury’s and I’ve got a 63 Meteor which we entered just to go on the cruize and do something. There were about five super nice Merc’s there (one sticks out in my mind, a 59 Merc Turnpike in exc cond), so I figured I didn’t have a snowballs chance. Turns out the judges were two women…….they like my color!!!!(seafoam blue).
    Ya just never know.


    Ya, lets do away with winning trophies like we have done with these pussyfied kids we raise these days where there is no winners and lossers. Take away classes and trophies and watch your participant numbers go down faster then Linda Lovelace.

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