Welcome Forum Car Corral & Swap Meet searching for advice

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  • #5391

    Happy Spring Fever Everyone!!

    While I begin to look forward to getting some things done on the Wildcat, there are still a few things I don’t know much about. My wife was just asking me, “What about fixing the air conditioning compressor?” The current one has a blown seal from what we have learned. The previous owner had removed the belt as it was doing nothing and rather than spinning the compressor, just take the belt off.

    The question for you folks is whether we should find a new compressor or have the current one rebuilt or something similar. I would appreciate hearing any opinions you might have.

    Thanks guys and welcome to SPRING!!


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  • #39512

    I was missing all of my AC parts and I have them all now and they are going back on over the next couple of months.

    I purchased a new rebuilt compressor from ebay. All they do is slide the guts of your compressor out and slide in new guts. Typically it is cheaper just to buy a rebuilt one then having your original one rebuilt (the only added cost would be shipping it to them).

    Here are a couple of links to places that build compressors



    If you are going to switch to r134a you will need all new o-rings and your POA valve will need to be adjusted too. Most shops still have access to R12 (you can still buy it on ebay).

    If your compressor did just blow a seal a rebuilt one and changing the o-rings out to be safe and putting R12 back in and you should be set.

    If there was a serious failure of the compressor it could of circulated metal bits throughout the system and then it all has to come apart to be cleaned (or is short order your compressor will be trashed)

    As always, with old stuff, replace one bad part and then the next one down the line may start to leak too.

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