Welcome Forum Rants I need to vent

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  • #5585

    First, thanks to the moderators for providing this section. We all have issues that just need to get out. It is nice to have a place.

    This has been growing and it seems to be getting worse. Why do so many want to close off this hobby? Do you think that not letting anyone who thinks differently than you, or has different tastes, in improves the hobby in any way?

    I am talking about the often spoken desire to keep out newer vehicles from shows. Every time there is a show, somebody has to open their yapper and say how they don’t like all of the newer cars. That they shouldn’t be allowed in. Well I don’t like to see 400 of the same damn tri-5 Chevy or 32 Ford either, and there is more of them.

    Look this is a hobby about people expressing themselves thru their cars. It isn’t about which car is faster, or shiny-er, or cost more on Barrett-Jackson. It is about sharing a passion. In each of us there is something that excites us about vehicles. For each of us there is a different vehicle that excites us more than another. To some it is that dream 69 Shelby, to some it is a Hemi ‘Cuda, to someone else it may be a mid-80’s K-car, to another it may be a brand new Corvette. What kind of vehicle shouldn’t matter, we should be able to notice the shared passion. Just because this type of car doesn’t excite you, should it not be allowed? To another person, your car causes the same reaction.

    Many see newer cars as “just wrote a check”. But in all honesty most of the cars we see at shows were attained in the same way, the person simply purchased it. And, in contrast, many of the newer cars have had work done to them, often by the owner.

    The close-minded attitude should not be encouraged any more. It is akin to race, or gender bias. It has no place and does nothing to improve anything. More variety creates more choices which in turn creates more excitement, which in turn allows this hobby to grow.

    I enjoy seeing the newer cars, and the import cars. Often you see ideas and innovation that you would otherwise not see. And learning and seeing new things is always a good thing. To some they want to see the history preserved in well concourse restored originals. Some want period rods. Some want extreme muscle. I want to see it all, and I want to see something I haven’t seen before. I want to see the envelope being pushed, that doesn’t happen when you restrict entrance for any reason. I always hear the same thing at the larger shows “there are so many cars here that I haven’t seen before”. Do you think that continues to happen with restrictions?

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  • #40534

    Well said Jon!


    Well put Jon. I think the late model cars have there place at a show, everything just needs to be classed accordingly. Some shows do have a year cutoff, and rules are rules.


    I am very passionate about this subject. I have dealt with this discrimination when I built an import and I continue to see it with modern muscle. I get very irritated when I here “new cars should be allowed” or “there should be a 10 year cut-off” or “newer cars should be allowed but shouldn’t get trophies” like they aren’t worthy. What the heck makes you so special? Because your car is older? Get over yourself already. Try to be a little more open-minded.

    Every week I have to field questions like “why is that allowed in here?” or comments like “too many new cars”. My response is that “it isn’t about the cars, it is about the people. The cars are just the common interest”. I don’t enjoy doing the Lube cruise night every week, I flipping love it. I love meeting the people every week and seeing what they bring in. I love the passion we all share. I don’t always find every car appealing, but I give them all proper respect. I have welcomed everything from concourse classics to exotics to extreme muscle to imports to bone stock “nothing special-see a million like it every day” cars. I have welcomed Donks and low-riders. I have been asked what the criteria is to be allowed in and I say “you have to be passionate about your car and respect that others are passionate about theirs”. THAT is how it should be.

    I feel sorry for those that are so close-minded and want to keep this hobby exclusive, you are missing out on a lot of fabulous cars and a lot of great people.


    WE have to be more open about the cars that we let in shows, I agree, tuners and newer cars are the future of car shows like it or not. If your running a show let everyone know what your cut off years are, there’s nothing wrong with that, just let people know. I’ve got all the years covered so all I have to do is find out what the cutoff is or is not and I’m all set to go. I like the new stuff and the old.


    Gotta agree with Moparkid as well, im fine with newer cars, as long as they have their own class..take Plattville dairy day’s show..1981-2002..isn’t that just a little bit to much?


    I used to get, the is that allowed in here? When I first started showing K’s..I’m fine with newer car’s being in the show. just have a place to put them in..rather than having a class like Plattville which is 1981-2002…its just not right to stick old cars with the new…


    Just need to get a few things off my chest then I`m outta here.It seems that lately a few select people have been accusing me of having a poor attitude when it comes to car shows,saying I complain and criticize shows that did not go so well for me.Like I`ve always said and still say,as long as everything is on the up and up and done fairly I have no problems with any show.Am I a trophy hound looking to win a cheap plastic prize? I guess I am,why else do I work so hard to get my truck ready for a show,why do I pay to enter a show when I could just show up,tell the organizers I don`t want to compete,i just want to be with other car people,not pay to register and enjoy the day.A lot of you say winning is not important,if that’s the case then stop paying the fees,show up and enjoy the show.I was recently told by a regular contributer to this site that I am a laughing stock in most peoples eyes and not really welcome at car shows and people talk about me behind my back,but treat me like a friend when we are face to face.Maybe that’s true,maybe it`s not.I don`t really care.My only problem with these friends are a lot of them say “hey I read what was posted and I saw you got banned from the sight for a while and I think you got wronged” yet I have yet to see anyone post anything to back me up.From now on I`m doing my own thing and not worry or care what others think.I believe I do have a few genuine friends at shows and you know who you are.The rest of you do you`re thing and I`ll do mine.I guess being a competitor and having a winning attitude is a bad thing when it comes to car shows and if that’s how most of you feel than I feel sorry for you.

    Bigbluetruck wrote:
    Just need to get a few things off my chest then I`m outta here.It seems that lately a few select people have been accusing me of having a poor attitude when it comes to car shows,saying I complain and criticize shows that did not go so well for me.Like I`ve always said and still say,as long as everything is on the up and up and done fairly I have no problems with any show.Am I a trophy hound looking to win a cheap plastic prize? I guess I am,why else do I work so hard to get my truck ready for a show,why do I pay to enter a show when I could just show up,tell the organizers I don`t want to compete,i just want to be with other car people,not pay to register and enjoy the day.A lot of you say winning is not important,if that’s the case then stop paying the fees,show up and enjoy the show.I was recently told by a regular contributer to this site that I am a laughing stock in most peoples eyes and not really welcome at car shows and people talk about me behind my back,but treat me like a friend when we are face to face.Maybe that’s true,maybe it`s not.I don`t really care.My only problem with these friends are a lot of them say “hey I read what was posted and I saw you got banned from the sight for a while and I think you got wronged” yet I have yet to see anyone post anything to back me up.From now on I`m doing my own thing and not worry or care what others think.I believe I do have a few genuine friends at shows and you know who you are.The rest of you do you`re thing and I`ll do mine.I guess being a competitor and having a winning attitude is a bad thing when it comes to car shows and if that’s how most of you feel than I feel sorry for you.

    What flavor of cake would you like at your pity party?

    You bring it on yourself. Its well documented here if a show screws you over and you dont go home with hardware, youre going to bash it. If youre a fierce competitor, thats fine, no one cares. There is a lot of people who compete to win at shows, you are no different from them. Others could give a rats ass if they win an award or not. I’ll let you in on a secret – After I won my very first award, I became extremely competitive for many years. I built and bought nice cars. Then one day my attitude changed, and I mellowed out. If I get a trophy, great. If not, Im not coming home and slitting my wrists.

    Im not sure why I bite into your bait, but I do like to argue with people. Do I make jokes about you? Sure do. You supply me with lots of ammo! You arent the only one (Hi Princess, you miss me?), Its in good fun. You have to be able to take it if youre dishing it out. You earned your “vacation.” You pick fights and have run off good members on this board. You, not anyone else.

    Ok, I may have pissed off the Goodguys rep and he doesnt post anymore, but I busted him with his tounge in cheek comments. My neighbor who thinks I am a Daddys boy was going to quit posting here, he just signed up with a different account name. It is what it is, Ive made a few friends and enemies from the internet. You like making enemies because it drives you. Thats the difference between you and a good looking, confident, passionate love machine like myself :whistle:

    moparkid25 wrote:
    Bigbluetruck wrote:
    Just need to get a few things off my chest then I`m outta here.It seems that lately a few select people have been accusing me of having a poor attitude when it comes to car shows,saying I complain and criticize shows that did not go so well for me.Like I`ve always said and still say,as long as everything is on the up and up and done fairly I have no problems with any show.Am I a trophy hound looking to win a cheap plastic prize? I guess I am,why else do I work so hard to get my truck ready for a show,why do I pay to enter a show when I could just show up,tell the organizers I don`t want to compete,i just want to be with other car people,not pay to register and enjoy the day.A lot of you say winning is not important,if that’s the case then stop paying the fees,show up and enjoy the show.I was recently told by a regular contributer to this site that I am a laughing stock in most peoples eyes and not really welcome at car shows and people talk about me behind my back,but treat me like a friend when we are face to face.Maybe that’s true,maybe it`s not.I don`t really care.My only problem with these friends are a lot of them say “hey I read what was posted and I saw you got banned from the sight for a while and I think you got wronged” yet I have yet to see anyone post anything to back me up.From now on I`m doing my own thing and not worry or care what others think.I believe I do have a few genuine friends at shows and you know who you are.The rest of you do you`re thing and I`ll do mine.I guess being a competitor and having a winning attitude is a bad thing when it comes to car shows and if that’s how most of you feel than I feel sorry for you.

    What flavor of cake would you like at your pity party?

    You bring it on yourself. Its well documented here if a show screws you over and you dont go home with hardware, youre going to bash it. If youre a fierce competitor, thats fine, no one cares. There is a lot of people who compete to win at shows, you are no different from them. Others could give a rats ass if they win an award or not. I’ll let you in on a secret – After I won my very first award, I became extremely competitive for many years. I built and bought nice cars. Then one day my attitude changed, and I mellowed out. If I get a trophy, great. If not, Im not coming home and slitting my wrists.

    Im not sure why I bite into your bait, but I do like to argue with people. Do I make jokes about you? Sure do. You supply me with lots of ammo! You arent the only one (Hi Princess, you miss me?), Its in good fun. You have to be able to take it if youre dishing it out. You earned your “vacation.” You pick fights and have run off good members on this board. You, not anyone else.

    Ok, I may have pissed off the Goodguys rep and he doesnt post anymore, but I busted him with his tounge in cheek comments. My neighbor who thinks I am a Daddys boy was going to quit posting here, he just signed up with a different account name. It is what it is, Ive made a few friends and enemies from the internet. You like making enemies because it drives you. Thats the difference between you and a good looking, confident, passionate love machine like myself :whistle:

    You just don`t get it, I do none of the things you accuse me of.I don`t know who died and made you car show guy but you can kiss my ass stick it where the sun don`t shine. FUCK YOU!!!!!

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