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    GTO Man

    The largest HMO in this country has recommended a plant based diet. This would end up lowering the incidence of many diseases and lowering health care costs.

    Kaiser Permanente Urges Physicians to Recommend Plant-Based Diets

    Down to Earth Article[/url

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  • #42015

    So they are gonna take away mah rib sammich? :dry: French fries are from plants, right? 👿


    Diets are one way to get back at the fatcats and the pharmacuitcal companies.

    -Natural healing would eliminate a lot of these people who run to urgent care for a runny nose.

    -Many sickenesses can be treated by hollistic care with items such as vitamin c and essential oils.

    -High fructose corn syrup, people flip out over it. Natural sugar is better for you. The only thing I ingest with HFCS is mountain dew, and thats been a two a day for me for many years.

    A lot of the problem is people dont want to eat healthy. IMO, places like McDonalds should be outlawed. If society ate better, took better care of themselves, and didnt rely on drug companies to make a pill to make them feel better, we qould see a huge decrease in insurance rates.


    McDonalds has tried to introduce things like apples and oatmeal. But it’s too little too late. I try and avoid fast foods and try to dine at mom and pop places when I travel. I’m overweight, have diabetes, but I have other issues in my diet such as some of the meds I use make you gain weight. Now my doc has figured out my thyroid does not work well. He put me on some meds and I lost a bunch of weight over a two month period, but it stalled. The other issue is that I get ill from eating green things. The only greens I can tolerate is peas and green beans. My fave veggies tend to be corn, beets, carrots, peas and potatoes. The trouble with those is they are high in sugars or starch which turns to sugar.

    lordairgtar wrote:
    McDonalds has tried to introduce things like apples and oatmeal. But it’s too little too late. I try and avoid fast foods and try to dine at mom and pop places when I travel. I’m overweight, have diabetes, but I have other issues in my diet such as some of the meds I use make you gain weight. Now my doc has figured out my thyroid does not work well. He put me on some meds and I lost a bunch of weight over a two month period, but it stalled. The other issue is that I get ill from eating green things. The only greens I can tolerate is peas and green beans. My fave veggies tend to be corn, beets, carrots, peas and potatoes. The trouble with those is they are high in sugars or starch which turns to sugar.

    You should look into organic fruits and veggies. If green things are making you ill when you eat them, it may be the chemicals used to produce those products, not the edibles themselves.

    Organic does cost more, but its worth it. Not only are you allowing untreated foods to enter your body for consumption, but you are supporting local farmers.

    Also, have you tried doing a cleanse? I personally have never done one, but I have a co worker who has done them in the past and she raves about how well she feels. She to is an organic foods nut/HFCS hater :)


    I just saw this article based on data from the past year on which foods you should buy organic (based on which ones contain pesticide remnants on their surfaces):

    GTO Man
    Garibaldi wrote:
    I just saw this article based on data from the past year on which foods you should buy organic (based on which ones contain pesticide remnants on their surfaces):

    With what is on that list I may just have to try cardboard. Where is the best place to shop organic foods? I know probably Whole Foods or Trader Joe’s but when you live in Hooterville the choices are limited.


    Organic does not mean pesticide free. It can not use modern synthetic pesticide., but older non-synthetic pesticides can be used.


    I have even grown my own stuff. Have not used chemicals and put mantis’ in the garden when I lived in California. Still got ill.

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