Welcome Forum Rants An apology and explanation

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  • #6010

    Today I have received a few emails complaining about the Brat Fest car show.

    First let me apologize for the conditions. I fully understand anger and frustration with the dusty conditions.

    But that is where my understanding and apologizing ends.

    Now to explain

    The nice people at Brat Fest came to us a few short weeks ago to ask if we could sponsor a car show. They showed us where they wanted it located and gave us the date and time. We were asked to fit a show in that area on that day in that time….in a few weeks.

    We looked at the area and knew that it was not ideal in any way, but we knew it was an opportunity to maybe start something that could grow and become something. We knew people would have reservations and complaints. I personally went around and talked about this to many of the attendees and apologized for the conditions..face to face. I was told, to my face, that it was not ideal but understood.

    We also looked at the area and realized that space was a concern. SO we tried to do something similar to Cars on State.and have folks pre-register. This was not meant to create the air of “elite” show or anything more than to create a nice variety of vehicles to fit everyone’s tastes. I wanted new cars, tuners, classics, exotics, and muscle. We had all of that. In my opinion there was a amazing cross section of vehicles.

    For anyone to complain that they didn’t agree with some of the cars there…get over yourself. It isn’t always about you.

    Trophies. With so little time to prepare and so few cars, we decided to just have the event creator, our owner and kids pick three winners. No judging, no ballots, no classes or rules….just a choice. If you didn’t receive a trophy…get over yourself. It doesn’t mean you don’t have a beautiful vehicle, it just means that another vehicle spoke to the person picking, nothing more.

    And also to complain about children or parents with strollers………you do realize it was Brat Fest…right? It is a family event on Memorial Day weekend. It is always full of kids and parents with strollers.

    It was FREE….It cost you nothing to attend. No one forced you to come and no one promised you anything.

    I am sorry that anyone was disappointed. I never want anyone to walk away from anything with anything but good feelings. That is not always possible. If I had more time, and more control over this event that wasn’t mine I would have done things a lot differently.

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  • #42387

    Jon, while I wasn’t there – I did hear comments about it at work today and they were positive.

    I think we’ve all learned you cannot please everyone, no matter how hard you try. .

    Hold your head high, you pulled this together in a short amount of time and had your heart in the right place.


    I am sorry if that seems harsh and or angry. I have been called an asshole to my face from this and been called classless among other things in emails. All because some cars got dusty or someone didn’t get a trophy that they thought they deserved

    For years I did the QSL cruise night and constantly had to answer questions of “why is that car in here?” Or “I can go to the dealer and see cars like that”..I am fed up with the attitude of someone thinking they’re special.

    It is ironic that so many BUY a car, take it to shows, and take credit for someone else’s efforts and then expect to be treated special or don’t respect someone else because they don’t do what they want. So many show their cars to feed their ego and then get upset that someone doesn’t look at their car or reward their car or worse yet the wrong person looks at their car. God forbid some little kid finds their car interesting and touches it. What is happening to people? I thought this hobby was one to bring joy to ourselves and others. Why do so many bitch and moan if things aren’t the way they expect it to be? If you are so worried about your car being touched or getting a little dirty or whatever, stay home, keep it in a box, and don’t let anyone see it…oh wait then no one can tell you how cool your car is. geeez

    sorry..rant over


    brush it off … every person that brought in a car had the right to drive in and make a decision if they wanted to stay.

    I always get a chuckle with the folks that attend our local car shows thinking they are at a concourse show (in reality most of these folks have never attended a true concourse show and would probably be in tears after the judging was complete).

    After ten years of showing cars, the best 2 for me were the last 2 where every show I went to I left early so I could enjoy other things.

    Roasting in the sun for 7 hours for the chance of a “car expert” to pick my car for a 20 dollar plastic trophy is not as fun as driving the car and watching people rubber neck and point at it …

    Move the show next year to a grassy field near by and I’ll be the first one in line to attend (and still leave early ;)

    Amigo2k wrote:
    brush it off … every person that brought in a car had the right to drive in and make a decision if they wanted to stay.

    I always get a chuckle with the folks that attend our local car shows thinking they are at a concourse show (in reality most of these folks have never attended a true concourse show and would probably be in tears after the judging was complete).

    After ten years of showing cars, the best 2 for me were the last 2 where every show I went to I left early so I could enjoy other things.

    Roasting in the sun for 7 hours for the chance of a “car expert” to pick my car for a 20 dollar plastic trophy is not as fun as driving the car and watching people rubber neck and point at it …

    Move the show next year to a grassy field near by and I’ll be the first one in line to attend (and still leave early ;)

    I can only echo Ryan’s words. There will always be “those people” at shows, and even members on this board. If their is a legitimate gripe, so be it. Taking your car to an event like bratfest, and bitching it got dusty is just silly. Trust me, I’m the leading authority on car show pissing and moaning ;)

    If a show is that bad, leave. Plain and simple. If you bitch about it, stay thru the awards to only bitch some more, you likely pissed because you didn’t win an award. Spent thousands of dollars buying or building a car to not enjoy it in my opinion. I always try to give first year shows the benefit of inexperience. See how they do the second year, and if they don’t take the constructive criticism to heart (Albany), I don’t go back. If they clearly don’t know what the hell they are doing (Reedsburg), I don’t go back.

    We have a rate the show section on this board. I wish more people would use it.

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