Welcome Forum The Drag Strip How do you think the oil situation will affect car industry?

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    How do you think the current oil/fossil fuel situation will affect the automotive industry in the future? We have already seen a change with the muscle cars due to oil, what do you think will be some more effects in the future? Will all cars have to convert to hydrogen or some other type of fuel, and if so how will this hinder/help their performance?

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  • #13023


    GTO Man

    The manufacturers will have to evolve in the type of vehicles they produce. The days of cheap unlimited oil are over. In Europe they have been dealing with high prices for years. People will gravitate toward the high mileage, dependable alternative fuel cars.

    The manufacturers will have to evolve in the type of vehicles they produce. The days of cheap unlimited oil are over. In Europe they have been dealing with high prices for years. People will gravitate toward the high mileage, dependable alternative fuel cars.

    I’ve noticed that a lot of the car commercials nowadays mention what the cars get for miles per gallon. It used to never be like that just a couple years ago.


    Type Much? Drogar-Laugh(LBG).gif

    I’ve noticed that a lot of the car commercials nowadays mention what the cars get for miles per gallon. It used to never be like that just a couple years ago.

    I edited my previous post because it was 150 pages long!!! icon_sad.gif

    There are so many different things that can be said
    on the energy/oil topic.

    Okay, to answer Baldi’s post…………

    About 5 or 10 years ago I noticed that there was very little mention
    of MPG anymore.

    In the 70’s I remember magazine ads and I think TV commercials
    that DID display the MPG figures.

    Then, after the energy ‘crisis’ was over, vehicles got bigger again
    and MPG wasn’t mentioned.

    That’s what happened when the Hummers and Expeditions
    became popular.

    Now the MPG figures are being pushed again, for round two of
    the new energy ‘crisis’.

    The last ‘crisis’ was when gas was just below $1. When it went above
    that, people went nuts, but settled down when it stayed slightly
    above $1.

    Now we are the the $2 level. People went nuts at $2.65 but calmed
    down at slightly above $2.

    I have to learn to write shorter posts!!! icon_eek.gif


    I like all the info you provide in your posts! Good work!

    Its funny how things really run in cycles… Actually maybe we should make several topics about this subject since like you said there are so many aspects and components to it. Go for it!

    I like all the info you provide in your posts! Good work!

    Its funny how things really run in cycles… Actually maybe we should make several topics about this subject since like you said there are so many aspects and components to it. Go for it!

    I did go for it in my edited post, and it was really big!!! icon_eek.gif

    If you have that post in your log, read it!!! You’ll probably fall asleep! icon_sad.gif


    I don’t think I have it in my log, I don’t even think I have such a log. 😉

    I don’t think I have it in my log, I don’t even think I have such a log. 😉

    Over at VideoHelp I deleted my post, but Offline quoted it
    later and my deleted post showed up.

    Maybe Baldrick stores all posts, even if they are edited
    or deleted.


    He probably does in the Archive. That must be a MOD because I don’t have that ability here, at least none that I know of. I’ll have to look for that. There really isn’t any need to edit your posts anyway unless an image doesn’t show up or you have spelling errors or something like that.

    Now the MPG figures are being pushed again, for round two of
    the new energy ‘crisis’.

    I’ve seen the mpg numbers advertised for the fuel efficient cars but
    not for the big cars and trucks.


    The auto companies are reacting, as opposed to being pro-active, as per their usual. As to how it will effect the car industry, I don’t know other then I guess less cars will be sold.


    The middle class will feel the pinch the most – more and more of their disposible income is going to gas costs, but as that contines to rise eventually they’ll be forced to drive less


    Eventually it’s going to hurt more and more, but what’s a person to do about it? I can’t tell my boss I won’t be in today because I can’t afford to put gas in the car, and I have to get groceries and do my normal errands. I did hear a comparison on the news tonight that a trip up north this year vs. 1999 will only cost $21 more, which doesn’t seem bad at all. I don’t like paying the high prices at the pump and try to fill up at 1/2 tank. More and more I see people putting gas on their credit cards, at least one company is making money! ;)


    I know its supposed to be up a full dollar at the pumps from two years ago


    we are seeing petrol going up 21 cents overnight just5 because it is easter, no other reason (in my opinion)

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