Welcome Forum The Lounge Dirty Mary Crazy Larry……DVD

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  • #975

    Dirty Mary Crazy Larry (1974)

    If you’re a fan of this incredible action movie you’ll be
    happy to know that it’s available on DVD!!!

    Trailers are included on the DVD, but even better
    is the special interview with Peter Fonda and Susan George.

    In the interview it’s revealed that a lot of the movie was
    ad-libbed, including some memorable lines!

    The great stunts in the movie are talked about and it’s mentioned
    that Peter did much of the driving himself, sometimes with a member
    of the film crew in the trunk of the car! Director John Hough was in the
    backseat during some of the high speed scenes.

    The secret of the telephone pole falling on the police car is also mentioned.

    The end of the movie has always been a shocker/thriller/surprise.
    Details of how that ending was pulled off are revealed.

    I rented, and also bought the DVD. I’ve always loved this movie and
    the picture quality is finally much better than what has been shown
    on TV. The interviews alone are worth the price. (Listen to the heavy
    accent when Susan talks!!!).

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  • Author
  • #16692
    GTO Man

    I thought that was a great movie. Peter Fonda was in alot of good movies back then. Susan George made some good movies also. She was in one with Dustin Hoffman, Straw Dogs which was interesting.

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