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Welcome Forum Car Shows MATC Pride in Your Ride Car Show Saturday May 10, Re: MATC Pride in Your Ride Car Show Saturday May 10,


This was a good show, and the weather was perfect. I saw a ton of Mopars I’ve never seen before, my new favorite being the plum crazy purple ’71 340 cuda.

I didn’t take a shirt, got too many damn t shirts as it is. This is a good fundraiser for the auto programs.

Took one look at the food line, decided I would get a sandwich on the way home instead.

Never watched any one of these shows the “celebrities” are on. I took fastwithclass’s pic with that Aaron guy, then found out I didn’t do it right. He came back around and was polite enough to re take the photo. Nice guy from the short Congo I had with him, I guess I’ll have to watch his show now… His assistant was a total douchebag, and he even said it. Lol!