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Welcome Forum Car Shows Quaker Steak and Lube, May 15, 2008 Re: Re: Quaker Steak and Lube, May 15, 2008


Hi everyone. Stumbled onto this site when I was looking for pics about QSL cruise night. We, my two brothers and I try to make it out once a month. A few time last year we did and so far this year just a few.

The May 15th showing was a decent turnout for cool weather and early in the year. If you see us there, stop by and say hi. We normally roll in with my three toys, the Blue 69 Camaro, Flamed 60′ Apache and 82 320 BMW.

Trying to get a few more toys finished up to bring in, hopefully by the 5th of June we will have a fourth to drive in.