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Eclipse_Tuner wrote:

I totally agree, the F & F movies are pretty weak.

Some of my fav. movies: Gran Tourino, Lord of the Rings trilogy, Casino Royale, Ghost in the Shell, Princess Mononoke, The Gundam Wing series (not really movies), The Watchmen, The Dark Knight, Bullit…to name a few.

Everyone has their own tastes.

I too enjoyed Batman Begins and The Dark Knight. I also enjoyed both Batman movies where Micheal Keaton was Bruce Wayne. I have an ungodly collection of Batman comics to this day… The Val Kilmer/George Clooney movies reminded me of the Adam West TV show of the ’60s.

I rented Watchmen and only got to see it once. Never read the series, I’ll have to watch it again as it left me with many unanswered questions.

Bullitt – Awesome 60’s movies with an excellent choice in vehicles. Steve McQueen is the man!!!