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Welcome Forum Car Shows 5 and Diner in Sun Prairie

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  • #3863
    GTO Man

    I see that the 5 and Diner has been sold. It will be Gus’s according to the signs in the window. Is this the same Gus’s out of East Troy? They have a large Cruise and Car Show every Saturday.

    WCC Calendar Link to Gus’s

    Gus’s Website

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  • #32033

    Wow, that’s news to me! I’ve never been to Gus’ but wish the restaurant well! It’s a very neat place, but in a cruddy location (at least I think so). I’m anxious to see this develop.


    Yes, the 5 & Diner is now Gus’s Diner. It opened yesterday. Same decor as 5 & Diner, food is good but a bit pricey. Don’t know if there is an affilation with the East Troy Diner. I agree it is not in a very good location. I don’t think the could host a cruise-in as good as the one in East Troy not enough room. http://www.gussdrivein.com


    We’ll have to check it out and let them know of the car clubs in the area in case they are interested in doing something down the road. The parking lot has always been an issue, another location would’ve been ideal for that restaurant. I thought it was pricey when 5 & Diner owned it, hopefully it’s not more than that now.


    Good Idea. I do know that they are not affiliated with Gus’s Drive-In. The one in Sun Prairie is Gus’s Diner.

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