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Welcome Forum The Drag Strip ’64 Plymouth Valiant

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  • #207

    Congtrats on your site. Though these days I drive the most ordinary of vehicles, a Dodge Caravan, I have fond memories of my Plymouth Valiant.


    Mine was fire engine red on top and midnight black along the bottom, and had fat tires in back. It was just for show, though, as the old push-button automatic transmission (look at the last picture, on the dashboard, to the left of the steering wheel) and unkillable slant-6 engine, not the V8 described here, would take it from 0 to 60 …in about 60 . But I thought it sure looked good.


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  • Author
  • #6756
    Mine was fire engine red on top and midnight black along the bottom, and had fat tires in back. It was just for show, though, as the old push-button automatic transmission (look at the last picture, on the dashboard, to the left of the steering wheel) and unkillable slant-6 engine, not the V8 described here, would take it from 0 to 60 …in about 60 . But I thought it sure looked good.

    Red and black, a nice combination!! The push-button transmission is cool, you don’t see it too often.

    If you want why don’t you register a username over at our Photo Gallery:
    and post some pics, especially for those members who don’t have access to VH OT. 😉

    GTO Man

    That is a nice looking Valiant. It must of been pretty fast with a V-8. They were a pretty light car. You don’t see many at car shows.

    That is a nice looking Valiant. It must of been pretty fast with a V-8. They were a pretty light car. You don’t see many at car shows.

    No you don’t. In fact I can’t remember if we even saw one this last year.

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