Welcome Forum The Drag Strip Absent

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  • #1034

    Hi Folks
    I have to stop in real quick to say Im sorry I have not been in for a while . crybaby2.gif SORRY . I have been run over with things to do including house shopping and possibley a new shop location . I know we just added on last year but we have found a few homes with some nice wooded acres and I like nothing better to have a shop in the middle of a wooded area and of the main drag so I can get something done during the day without interuptions. Any ways I would like to bragg a little the last show we sponsored at the fair grounds went very well we had our shop down there to play with some english wheels and we met even more fine folks that in the year to come will be useing us for our services. Best of all we got a visit from Don (19Chevelle69) and his lovely wife Tracy wich made our week end a huge plus. I would really like to kid knapp them but I think that might get me in a bit of trouble with there folks back home. Hopfully this winter will slow our to do list down a bit and I can kick back and drop in more often . Garibaldi thanks for leaving the light on see you guys as soon as I can . jumpy.gif

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  • Author
  • #17328

    Thanks, Good Luck Prostreet


    Good luck Steve! icon_punk.gif The light will always be on, hope to see you soon! jumpy.gif


    Thanks for the kind words Steve.

    As always, the pleasure was all mine. I always look forward to visiting you and your family…

    GTO Man

    Thanks for checking in Steve. Glad things are going well.

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