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Welcome Forum The Lounge Angry Husband Selling Cheating Wife’s Stuff On eBay

  • Creator
  • #364

    All I can say is. . . wow.


    Read the comments and the Q&A. This is far from over.

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  • Author
  • #9017

    wow icon_eek.gif That is really messed up…. I’m stunned… yeah the Q & A…


    Standing from afar I get a good laugh out of this but to be honest if it happened to me I don’t think I would go this far. Yes I would be mad but I would have to let the lawyer handle it. In my anger I don’t know what would happen in that state of mind.

    As hard as it is, best to turn around and walk away to keep the repercussions to a minimum.

    Standing from afar I get a good laugh out of this but to be honest if it happened to me I don’t think I would go this far. Yes I would be mad but I would have to let the lawyer handle it. In my anger I don’t know what would happen in that state of mind.

    As hard as it is, best to turn around and walk away to keep the repercussions to a minimum.

    Yeah, keep the repercussions to a minimum. Try to settle your differences and move on.

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