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Welcome Forum The Drag Strip Another one bites the dust.

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  • #4754
    GTO Man

    Mercury falling: Ford eliminates mid-range brand
    Mercury falling: Ford to end 72-year-old Mercury brand, expand and refresh Lincoln

    Yahoo Ford shutting down Mercury article

    Ford is shutting down Mercury production by the end of 2010. I am surprised Mercury has lasted this long. They have had an identity crisis for a number of years.

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  • #36495

    Yes I agree. It has been along time coming,


    I’m surprised actually. But I haven’t really followed the industry enough to know whats going on. I thought everyone was going downhill because of the recession.


    I can’t remember a Merc recently that has stood out or even really made the headlines. I like seeing them at car shows but think Ford made the right decision to let them go now

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