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Welcome Forum The Drag Strip asking input

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  • #5753

    I am currently working on a new charity car show. Kelly-Moss/Level5 has given me a green light to set something up. I want to do something different. I have been tossing ideas around. They will allow me to do the show both inside and outside, and it will include motorcycles and trucks.

    One idea I had is to do classes by decades. I liked how MATC did this as it fits a smaller show well. But I have been trying to figure out a way to tie racing into the classes. One thought I had was to label the classes by the era using what racing was most popular in that time frame. Here are some thoughts
    50’s era – Gasser era
    60’s era – NASCAR
    70’s – Trans Am
    80’s – IROC
    90’s – IMSA
    2000’s – GT
    Trucks – Monsters
    Bikes – GTP

    Just ideas.

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  • Author
  • #41567
    GTO Man

    When are you planning the show for?


    probably mid-August

    GTO Man

    So the classes would be labeled by the type of racing duting that year range? That is a cool idea.


    Not sure. Might be cheesy. First thought is cool idea, would work with clear definition of class, but don’t want to be “gimmicky” either

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