Welcome Forum Car Shows Bad Apples

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  • #5617

    This post is mostly aimed at the moderators of this site. You locked up the post concerning my request for info on the up coming Oxford show.All i did was ask for info and when it wasn`t supplied as stated i put a little comment about it and the site police (moparkid25)jumped dead in my shit. Have you heard the term one bad apple spoils the bunch? He is the reason many previous posters to this site no longer are part of this forum.I will no longer contribute to this site, and will find car show info else where. He made false accusations about me and has attacked my integrety on more than one occasion claiming i have problems with shows i don`t win at and refuse to attend those shows.That is completely false and the only show i have ever had an issue with is pardeville and once those issues are resolved i`ll go back again. I`ve won at 16 of 20 shows entered this year and have not had an issue with any of them.Even the 4 shows i did not win at i thought were good shows and it just wasn`t my day.Ask the car owners who see me at most shows and they will tell you i`m a fair and honest competiter who likes nothing more but to show off my truck and spend time with these friends first and the awards come second.All who think other wise can kiss my ass.

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  • #40734

    Maybe it’s easier to agree to disagree. This site was created by some really good guys that have great intentions. We all don’t like the same shows, we all attend for one reason or another, but in the end some people just aren’t going to get along no matter what. This isn’t grade school, I think we can (and should) all act like adults and respect each others opinions.

    As for the bad apple… I’ve run across quite a few through the years and have worked hard to surround myself with good ones! :)


    simple solution.. Take it to the pavement…..there said and done

    Bigbluetruck wrote:
    This post is mostly aimed at the moderators of this site. You locked up the post concerning my request for info on the up coming Oxford show.All i did was ask for info and when it wasn`t supplied as stated i put a little comment about it and the site police (moparkid25)jumped dead in my shit. Have you heard the term one bad apple spoils the bunch? He is the reason many previous posters to this site no longer are part of this forum.I will no longer contribute to this site, and will find car show info else where. He made false accusations about me and has attacked my integrety on more than one occasion claiming i have problems with shows i don`t win at and refuse to attend those shows.That is completely false and the only show i have ever had an issue with is pardeville and once those issues are resolved i`ll go back again. I`ve won at 16 of 20 shows entered this year and have not had an issue with any of them.Even the 4 shows i did not win at i thought were good shows and it just wasn`t my day.Ask the car owners who see me at most shows and they will tell you i`m a fair and honest competiter who likes nothing more but to show off my truck and spend time with these friends first and the awards come second.All who think other wise can kiss my ass.

    You have a PM tough guy.


    The Oxford post was locked down for 2 reasons:

    1. The info for the show was posted for all to see.
    2. The conversation was leading down the path that was not remotely related to the topic.

    Also, I agree with Nick that you could of worded it differently.

    That being said, I’m going to lock down this post too…

    This post is mostly aimed at the moderators of this site

    Please send a PM to one of the moderators if you have questions about forum moderation, rather than posting the question publicly as a topic on the forum.

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