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Welcome Forum Car Shows Car Cruises and Shows for August 13 to August 19

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  • #30483

    I went this morning about 8:00. They were calling the whole day off and cancelling the show. The awards will be mailed to the winners. They were taking the blue tickets at the gate and saying that they would draw the winner back in California. I wonder how many people actually got there early enough today to enter.

    And as I sit here now, looking out the window, the rain has stopped. Watch today end up being fairly decent.


    Thanks for the update! I would imagine there weren’t many there at 8 a.m. as it was pouring where I’m at. I’ll be interested to see who wins at this event. Let’s hope Good Guys doesn’t have a bad opinion of Madison, it should’ve been a great show!

    GTO Man

    I don’t think they will judge Madison by the weather. With the number of shows they put on they know the odds will catch up with them some time. If the weather would of cooperated they would of had great turnouts on Saturday and Sunday. It certainly is unusual where we get two days in a row with this much rain.


    I will be emailing Good Guys this week. I will let you all know what they have to say.


    Thanks for the updates Jon!

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