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Welcome Forum Car Shows Car Cruises and Shows for August 14 to 20, 2017

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  • #82226
    Merc Man

    We use to look forward to Spring Green every year. However last year was the first time for a new organizer after the original people left, the show was awful. The price doubled, no organization, advertised 3 trophies per class but only gave away 2, etc.. We were going to possibly give it another chance, until we seen the flier for this year. The price has been raised again, and more things taken away. The show is clearly about making money now, and not the cars, and people.

    Deforest has a show that day also, which benefits the V.F.W. Looks like the Merc will be headed that way instead.


    Another option for Saturday, August 19th

    Give Back Car Show, Juneau, WI

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