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Welcome Forum Car Shows Car Cruises and Shows for August 6 to August 12

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  • #40387

    So Marshall is going to Marshall? ;)

    I’m interested in hearing how this show is …

    I found an old Watertown Riverfest flyer and I would assume the classes haven’t changed much.


    I do recall they had 39″ trophies; I remember I could set the trophy on my front seat and it peaked out the roof of my Bug. This is one of the few shows that has an Import class (unfortunately, it means the guy with a Honda is also competing with a guy with a 1958 VW Beetle)… and that trophy has since been sent off to be recycled …

    Amigo2k wrote:
    So Marshall is going to Marshall? ;)

    I’m interested in hearing how this show is …

    I found an old Watertown Riverfest flyer and I would assume the classes haven’t changed much.


    I do recall they had 39″ trophies; I remember I could set the trophy on my front seat and it peaked out the roof of my Bug. This is one of the few shows that has an Import class (unfortunately, it means the guy with a Honda is also competing with a guy with a 1958 VW Beetle)… and that trophy has since been sent off to be recycled …

    I did something similar a couple of weeks ago. I boxed up most of the trophies that I had won with the Mustang, and took them to Jefferson and donated them to the Graduation Car Show. They will be rebuilt, re-created, and repurposed, and used at future shows there in Jefferson.


    Also, I forgot to add that there may actually be two established annual car shows in Marshall. Once I am clear on this, I will post more info.

    Enjoy the day at Botham! (I have heard that Botham requires every vehicle to have wheel chocks under all four tires. Is this because of the parking on steep inclines?)


    one wheel chock will do, but yes they recommend you have one due to the hills you park on …

    I have mine with all the time in my car show clean up kit:



    Where did you get that kit? Very cool!


    The bag is from Home Depot and I bought a handful of iron-on patches from Ebay, then just stuff your stuff in and you are set!

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