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Welcome Forum Car Shows Car Cruises and Shows from Sept 8 to Sept 14

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  • #32831
    GTO Man
    I have to work on Saturday (fiscal year end = overtime)… I think we’re about done for this year, unfortunately!

    It has been a short season this year, the weather has not cooperated much. You seem to have to play it spur of the moment.


    Yep, if your showing this weekend you better have your waders.

    I have to say that I attended the shows I always enjoy this year.

    Maybe I’m getting old, or burnt out at the old age of 27, but this year it seems I just didn’t have it in me to hit up every show I could. Maybe I’m getting burned out, maybe I’m tired of seeing the same cars over and over again (no offense to any of the forum members), but I have a feeling next year will play a totally different scenario for me.

    I’ve already begun shopping for another car. Can’t make up my mind between classic muscle or newer performance. While classic muscle has that nostalgic look, feel, and sound, newer performance is virtually “snap your fingers” fast and turn key. With the newer stuff, you can lose your ass on it. Most of the time with the classics, you can generally profit from the sale.

    2009 will be an interesting year, I can’t wait to see where our country will be at and what comes about from shows as #’s were down many places this year.

    GTO Man

    Today is a total washout. Weather overall this year was fine in the middle but bad on either end.


    Gas prices jumped 40-50 cents over the last 48 hours!! Good thing we didn’t have anywhere to go this weekend! blob8.gif

    If that’s not price goughing, I don’t know what it is. Granted, Hurricane Ike caused lots of damage, but there’s no reason to stick it to everyone else.


    BangHead.gif I am sick of gas going up and down! I’ll bet it only drops 2c a day. As for the rain it sucks, my friend called me from Kalamazoo Mi. he is at the Street rod Nats there. Been raing for two days.. dontknow.gif


    Is anyone planning to try and get to a show tomorrow, or will this weekend be a total wash for everyone?



    No shows for us tomorrow, the weather still looks wet. I think we’ll have the remainder of the hurricane for a day or two. Did anyone see the sky around 7:30 tonight? It was an odd black color, but thankfully no storms rolled in. The humidity is back up again though! :(

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