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Welcome Forum Car Shows Car Cruises for October 22 to October 28

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  • #30906

    And this is the last QSL cruise for the year. POS night. If you want to bring your beauty out one last time, please do so. If you want to drive a beater, do that as well. Wear a costume and be even more fun. I hope to see you all one more time before we all hibernate with our babies.


    Sounds great Jon!


    That’s all folks!


    Tonigt is it. The final car cruise in of the season. Gosh, it all went so fast. It seems like just a few weeks ago that we pulled the cars out of storage. Oh wait…it was. Where is this Global warming?

    Well, I guess I need to get my costume ready for POS night / Scareaoke. I hope to see a least some of you tonight for one last night of laughs and smiles. At least Mother Nature decided to give me (relatively) good weather.


    Y’all didn’t miss anything. 9 cars, no beaters. Best of show went to a really nice 72 Camaro.

    Thanks for a wonderful year.


    Jon ~ sorry we couldn’t make it last night but I wanted to thank you for all you did this year on Thursday nights! We had a great time each time we attended and look forward to 2008!

    GTO Man
    Y’all didn’t miss anything. 9 cars, no beaters. Best of show went to a really nice 72 Camaro.

    Thanks for a wonderful year.

    I want to second the thanks to you and QSL for putting on a great cruise night. The car event season here is pretty short, hopefully the good weather will start early next year.


    Thanks both of you, and everyone else who attended this year. I have had a great time doing the cruise night this year. I was amazed at the the cars and trucks that came out this year. There are so many beautiful rides in the area. It was an honor just to be allowed to see them all.

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