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Welcome Forum Car Shows Car show in Highland, WI on Sept. 15

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  • #3607

    Does anyone have any info about this show? All I have heard is it’s the 15th. Highland is west of Dodgeville about 15-20 miles.

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  • #30679
    GTO Man

    I looked on Highland’s town site, no information there.


    I found a flyer for this show:

    Sept 15th, sponsored by the catholic church in Highland. Starts at 2pm, no entry fee, no judging, spagehtii dinner from 4-7, accordion music from 5-7.

    I believe there having it at a local park in town, but not sure where. Highland isn’t that big, so I’m sure it would be easy to find.


    The only show I know of is a car and Bike show at Pokerville Ironworks in Blue Mounds. 3 live bands and I think Arlen Ness is one of the judges. Anyone who knows bikes knows who Arlen Ness is.


    The only show I know of on the 15th is a car and Bike show at Pokerville Ironworks in Blue Mounds. 3 live bands and I think Arlen Ness is one of the judges. Anyone who knows bikes knows who Arlen Ness is.

    The only show I know of on the 15th is a car and Bike show at Pokerville Ironworks in Blue Mounds. 3 live bands and I think Arlen Ness is one of the judges. Anyone who knows bikes knows who Arlen Ness is.

    Yeah I got a flyer for this, not sure if I’ll go or not. It’s only a couple miles from my house…

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