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Welcome Forum Car Shows Car Shows

  • Creator
  • #710
    GTO Man

    Which cars would you like to see more of at car shows? Are there any that there are too many of at shows you have gone to?

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  • #13753

    I would like to see more tbirds, there are only one or two if that at a show. In general there always seem to be a lot of “junk” cars (not really classic) at some shows like Jefferson. I would like to see that number diminish.


    I would like to see more Oprphan Cars. Those are always fun to look at & to see the design of them.

    GTO Man

    I would like to see more of the older cars at the shows. You don’t see many cars from the 20’s, 30’s or 40’s anymore. At least at alot of the shows around here. Most that are at the shows have been customized.


    Yes, not many stock old old cars. Like you said they usually have some heavy modifications such as suspension or some type of customized engine

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