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Welcome Forum Car Shows Car Shows and Cruises for July 30 to August 5

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    I plan to attend the Indiandhead Show in Chippewa Falls on Sunday.


    Annual Elkhorn “treasure hunt” on Saturday


    I was thinking about the Big Cat show in the Dells. However the awards are not until 5pm, and I’d kinda like to get home a little earlier. Hope I don’t get drug under the bus for that comment..:unsure:

    Xman wrote:
    I was thinking about the Big Cat show in the Dells. However the awards are not until 5pm, and I’d kinda like to get home a little earlier. Hope I don’t get drug under the bus for that comment..:unsure:

    Why would someone take exception to that comment?
    Seems pretty straight forward to me.


    I think I’ll get up in the morning and head down to Beloit for the Cartunes show. Never been to it, and it would be nice to see some new stuff.

    Plus the last weather report I saw said sunny and 78 degrees!!!


    Darn HOT at Elkhorn today… how long until fall?

    GTO Man

    Supposed to be cooler tomorrow with a low of 60 tonight. How were the crowds there?

    GTO Man wrote:
    Supposed to be cooler tomorrow with a low of 60 tonight. How were the crowds there?

    Parking lot was full, very easy to walk around. I think the heat kept some home..It was nice in the shade with the breeze..


    I am sitting in my camper in Chippewa Falls enjoying a quiet cool evening.Show is tomorrow,calling for upper 70’s.


    I wish I had a camera.one broke and could not find the other so no pics.Had a great time in Chippewa Falls.They advertised 700 cars, I dont know the count, but there could of been that many.It was a non judged show with cash drawings at 3:00 a top prize of $100 and about 20 $30 prizes.There was plenty of food and swap vendors.The cars ranged from Model T’s to present.Only 1981 and older were eligble for cash prizes.Its a show worth checking out next year.

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