Welcome Forum The Lounge Chiropractors

  • This topic has 3 replies, 3 voices, and was last updated 19 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #1142

    i’d never been to one before yesterday.
    i was struck by the warmth and caring of my Dr. i had an eval, and x-rays
    and all that.
    then, today, i had my first “adjustment”.
    now i know why the effort to be liked.
    it is so you don’t kill the chiropractor when he/she starts hurting you really bad. 36_2_81.gif

    damn, that hurt! but i feel a great deal better now, and am looking forward to
    feeling even more better in the future. :)

    anyone else here been to a chiropractor?
    or have thoughts and/or opinions about them?

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  • #18511

    Classic Seinfeld line:

    George: “A man……”
    Jerry: “yes, a man…?”
    George: “Gggavee me a…. massage”
    Jerry: “So?”
    George: “He was touching and rubbing…”


    GTO Man

    I have been once or twice, they can make a real difference in the right situation. They certainly lessened the back problems I was having.


    i’m going to keep going back until the Dr. say i’m well again.
    which is not quite the same as being free of pain.

    i’m almost free of pain now, but it’s pretty much like only taking antibiotics until the symptoms go away.

    yeah, you save some money, and some inconvience. but the underlying causes are still there.

    and they are going to bite you in the ass, until/unless you deal with them.

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