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Welcome Forum Madison Area Discussions Convertible Needed!!

  • Creator
  • #5166

    My fiancé and I are getting married on Saturday, July 23rd. I would love to surprise her with a classic car, convertible preferred, waiting for us when we exited the church. We would probably need someone from approx 1:45 until 5:00 that afternoon. Our ceremony is just off Willy Street in Madison, very close to the Barrymore Theater. We are having some pictures along Willy Street and then also in Olbrich Gardens. A stop at the Edgewater Hotel for us to check in, and then to our reception at the Lussier Heritage center off the South Town exit, just past Walmart and the Waste Water treatment plant.

    If you know anyone, I’d really appreciate any contact information.

    Thanks for your help!


    Scott Klister
    Purchasing Manager

    5301 Verona Road
    Madison, WI 53711
    Ph: 608-271-5127
    Fx: 608-271-4677

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