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Welcome Forum Car Shows Cruise Reedsburg to Hillsboro?

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  • #3625

    I had a flyer for a cruise that is starting in Reedsburg on 13 Oct and ends up in Hillsboro but I can’t seem to find it. Does anyone have the details on this Cruise?


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  • #30757

    I am pretty good at holding on to flyers, but this one is news to me. I don’t have a flyer for this one.

    The last event for the year that I have info on is the Audubon Days Show in Mayville, on October 6th. I am not aware of anything happening after this weekend in October.



    I also, have a stack that I’ve been keeping in my garage, and I think i pulled this one to set it aside. My dad and I are planning on going on this cruise (he has been telling me all summer long he wanted to go to a show; I think he will enjoy the cruise better).

    The flyer stated they had 120 cars in the cruise last year. It is a 100 mile trip that ends at a park, where they have a picnic at.

    I would bet the WI Lake Cruisers have details on this since it is in their area. Once I have more details I’ll post them…..


    The only thing I know of into October is QSL. I keep mine going until it gets too cold and we all start to store our babies. I try to give us all something to do while the weather holds out. I am thinking about an end of the year night around Halloween.

    Lake WI cruisers will be at QSL this week.


    The Reedsburg to Hillsboro cruise is the 12th annual Fall Color Cruise sponsored by 3 clubs – the Dells Area Cruisers, God’s Country Pontiac Association and the Summer Cruisers. My flyer says the cruise will be held on Sunday, October 14 beginning at 10:00 AM (you need to be there before 10). The cruise will begin in Reedsburg at Nishan Park, which is located on Highway H about 1/2 mile north of Highway 33. The tour will be approximately 100 miles on scenic backroads ending up at the City Park located in Hillsboro. A picnic lunch will be served with donations to cover the cost accepted. You will need to bring your own beverages and lawn chairs. This is a family event and will be held rain or shine.

    Sounds like a nice event to have fun with your car, friends, and our beautiful Wisconsin fall colors. thumbsup.gif


    Thanks so much for the details!

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