Welcome Forum Car Shows Daddy locking Topics?

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    Whats the deal with locking topics so they boil over into other threads?

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  • #38904
    GTO Man

    You went over the line. We have been here before, people having civil discussions and then it gets personal.


    It’s the f***ing internet!!! How can it get personal? Jesus, and you think i need to grow up? Seriously, Wow.



    I don’t understand why topics get locked. I understand that compared to some other car forums I’m on, this on is PG-13. IMO, you can’t take anything on the internet serious. I don’t like how my thread about the number of awards won was locked, either. I didn’t start that thread to pick on BigBlueTruck, and it wasn’t started as a contest to see who’s got the biggest stick in the yard. However, BBT started out with the “Trophy Monger” comments. Nick being the nice guy that he is, put the thread on a different spin (which I have no issues with). Some awards mean more to some than others. I think we all agree that shows that are judged can be better than participant judged shows. And not all judged shows are judged fairly. It’s also nice to go to a non-judged show and have no pressure to compete at times. But, like Dwight said, if all shows quit giving awards, door prizes, etc, then what is the catch to peak one’s interest? I don’t go to shows to win, my cars are my trophies. Yeah, they are nice when you win, because others have aknowledged the effort you have put into your car. However, I’m reminded of my efforts every time I pay license and registration :whistle:

    Locking threads just gives way to bad blood in person. It’s been my experience that in the end it all works out (well, except with Team Mustang. Though princess was checking me out a lot this summer…. And I gotta say, she’s got it going on. But, I’m not gonna be her back door man either :whistle: ). I’m going to lunch now, and will check out the responses when I get home tonight from league.


    I vote to ban Moparkid25


    All i can say is im sorry if i stepped on some peoples toes,from now on ill stay off this site and keep my opinions to myself.

    Bigbluetruck wrote:
    All i can say is im sorry if i stepped on some peoples toes,from now on ill stay off this site and keep my opinions to myself.


    Bigbluetruck wrote:
    All i can say is im sorry if i stepped on some peoples toes,from now on ill stay off this site and keep my opinions to myself.

    Bigbluetruck: You’re welcome to post on this site, and we appreciate your opinions and insights.

    Everyone: We welcome all opinions and viewpoints, however we simply ask that you follow the Forum Rules when posting. These rules exist in part because not everyone views the Internet in the same way:

    Remember that different people view the Internet differently. Some see it as a completely anonymous place where they post whatever they want. Others see it as a personal extension of themselves. For this reason, please treat every post you make as something that would be said face-to-face to others.

    Thank you


    Garibaldi,thanks but no thanks.Not once did i personally attack any individual on this site,but im being attacked by two individuals who seem to have a beef with people who dont agree with thier way of thinking,so to avoid any more conflict i choose not to post on here again.

    Bigbluetruck wrote:
    Garibaldi,thanks but no thanks.Not once did i personally attack any individual on this site,but im being attacked by two individuals who seem to have a beef with people who dont agree with thier way of thinking,so to avoid any more conflict i choose not to post on here again.

    Let me spell this out for you – You Are Not Being Attacked at all. OMG, don’t get all emo up in here. We both have different opinions, that’s that.

    Let me put this into a car show-esque perspective. You are DDHemi, who goes to shows soley to compete. He is a competitor, from his days of playing sports to having nice cars that win awards. He was raised to be a competitor, so therefore its his nature. These days there is no one teaching that competition is good, and that everything should be fair. If everything should be fair, should the NFL quit keeping score? If so, then you’re Packers wouldn’t win the Superbowl. The Brewers wouldn’t be in the NLCS right now. Its ok to watch competition, but not be a part of it?

    If you feel like you’re not getting a fair shake from judges at car shows, then go but tell them you prefer not to be judged. Then you won’t get screwed over as you put it. I pay the reg fee, let em judge it!! Especially if it goes to a good cause, which most of the shows I attended this year and will only attend in the years to come will do. Judges are going to be bias to some level no matter what. Participant judged shows will never be 100% fair in my opinion.

    If you feel that you’ve been attacked and you don’t want to be a member of this community, that’s your perogative. But don’t use me as your door mat on the way out.

    Garibaldi wrote:
    Bigbluetruck wrote:
    All i can say is im sorry if i stepped on some peoples toes,from now on ill stay off this site and keep my opinions to myself.

    Bigbluetruck: You’re welcome to post on this site, and we appreciate your opinions and insights.

    Everyone: We welcome all opinions and viewpoints, however we simply ask that you follow the Forum Rules when posting. These rules exist in part because not everyone views the Internet in the same way:

    Remember that different people view the Internet differently. Some see it as a completely anonymous place where they post whatever they want. Others see it as a personal extension of themselves. For this reason, please treat every post you make as something that would be said face-to-face to others.

    Thank you

    If anyone is using the internet ie forums as an extension of themselves then that’s pretty sad. I know that you want me to tippy toe around and “remember everyone views the internet differently” but that’s not going to happen. I understand that joking tones and sacrasum dont translate well through the interwebs but i figured we all are big boys and girls and can take a little ribbing. Jesus, does Gov Skywalker have you’re buttholes so uptight that it makes it look like your asses are eating your pants??


    That last part was a joke if you couldnt tell…….


    I’m laughing!

    STORMEASTON wrote:
    I’m laughing!

    I like this guy^

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