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Welcome Forum Madison Area Discussions Dane County Property Taxes

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  • #85457
    GTO Man

    They have done it again, a nice big increase for the homeowners. My total tax bill went up 7.4%, the Madison Schools portion went up 9.2%. Part of the increase has to do with referendums that have been approved. It lists on the tax page how long the increases will go for. In Madison there are 2 listed, one will end in 2025 and the other will end in 2043. I wonder if people understnd when they vote yes just how long the increase will last. One thing that needs to happen is that municipalities should have to produce an accountability report of where the money is going.

    Madison.com article

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  • #85469

    Dane County property taxes in general are ridiculously high for what we get. Out here, our county roads never get fixed, all the money is spent in Madison on bike paths. Our county exec is nothing more than a puppet of Madisons mayor, what madison wants, madison gets – thanks to our taxes.

    I guess I shouldn’t bitch too much…. Mine went down this year. Guess I’ll go buy that Ferrari now (that’s sarcasm).

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