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Welcome Forum Madison Area Discussions Dells Auto Museum

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  • #39148
    GTO Man

    I visited it once many years ago. I didn’t realize they had that many cars at one time.


    I made it up there once before it closed, the place seemed a bit small for 400 cars at once, the owner at the time told us that the display changed regularly as they cycled through cars in the collection that were borrowed from their owners. I think about 75 maybe 100 were ever on display at once plus a few for sale in the parking lot. Neat place, I can recall a 76 Eldorado sitting in the back corner of the museum that caught my eye and a late 60’s olds 98? for $8,000 out front. I took a few photos but don’t know where they are since that was back before I had a digital camera and 15,000+ collector car digital photo archive.

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