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Welcome Forum Madison Area Discussions Donnie Lee Jenkins – Hillrod BS’er

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  • #6251

    I hate to stereotype people, but it seems like I am running into far too many carguys like Donnie Lee Jenkins lately……
    These hillrods claim to be cowboys, but in reality they’re all hat and no horse…..
    Enjoy the video.


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  • Author
  • #43114
    Gunner wrote:
    I hate to stereotype people, but it seems like I am running into far too many carguys like Donnie Lee Jenkins lately……
    These hillrods claim to be cowboys, but in reality they’re all hat and no horse…..
    Enjoy the video.


    This is another viral idiot, he’s not even funny. He also has a video making fun of diesel trucks. I can make better fun of camo cowboys and their diesel trucks in my sleep than this guy.


    What a douche nozzle. I can see why he’s an idiot, he drinks Bud.

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