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Welcome Forum Madison Area Discussions Ebay finds for the week 4Apr2009

  • Creator
  • #4265

    These are items that sold on Ebay within 250 miles of Madison that I think were well bought.

    1971 Dodge : Charger 500 (Sold: 18k numbers matching)

    Link: http://tr.im/ig7i


    1960 Volkswagen Pickup Truck (sold 8.2K) these typically go for 10-15k with a non-original engine and +20K with the original engine.

    Link: http://tr.im/ig2Y


    1976 Avanti Sport (Sold 8k)

    link: http://tr.im/ig2s


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  • Author
  • #34130

    That Charger 500 should have a flat hood on it. The hood its got is for a 71 Charger Superbee (air grabber).

    Nonetheless a pretty good buy. I still think those cars are ugly, and I’m a mopar guy :whistle:

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