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Welcome Forum Car Shows Edgerton Tobacco Days Car Show 2017


  • Creator
  • #82028

    I haven’t attended this show since 2013. So, I skipped 2014, 2015, and 2016. I did attend this year’s show, and all I can say, is that it’s basically still the same old show, with some updates and changes. It is no longer a “judged” show, but they do hand out about a dozen or so “best of” awards (plaques) to cars/trucks selected by the show staff. And, they do hand out cash drawing prizes of $100 on the hour, and $50 on the half hour, as well as door prizes throughout the day.

    This show is well run, very organized, and an enjoyable way to spend a Saturday in a nice, downtown setting. Thanks to the event staff for all the hard work to make this show a success!

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  • Author
  • #82030
    GTO Man

    Sounds like a fun day. I wasn’t able to attend this year but will plan on it for next.

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