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Welcome Forum The Lounge Favorite New Movie

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  • #370

    What’s your favorite new movie? I’d have to say mine is Sahara. I’m a big fan of Clive Cussler, the author of the book that its based on. The movie has a great plot with lots of twists and alot of action. And some nice cars… icon_cheesygrin.gif

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  • #9045

    I saw Sahara yesterday and overall I liked it. I did picture some of the characters looking differently than the movie version, but that is to be expected. Good action movie and it followed the plot of the book well.
    Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy looks interesting and I am waiting for Star Wars Episode Three.


    I haven’t seen Sahara yest. All these new movies coming out it’s hard to keep up. I want to see Sin City as I’ve always been a fan of the dark noir theme stories. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy looks interesting and I think it was long overdue for a movie to be made but maybe it was a good thing since Cinermatic special effects have improved so much since the book was first released years ago.

    House of Wax looks interesting but I think it’s appeal will be based more on gore than on head games which really makes a good horror movie in my opinion.

    I saw Sahara yesterday and overall I liked it. I did picture some of the characters looking differently than the movie version, but that is to be expected. Good action movie and it followed the plot of the book well.
    Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy looks interesting and I am waiting for Star Wars Episode Three.

    Have you read other Clive Cussler books? IMO he’s such a great author!! I thought it followed the book very well too, except that Sandecker’s beard should have been red and that Giordino would have harassed him more about the cigars. And I imagined Giordino and Pitt looking differnet than what was portrayed but I guess that’s just the mind’s eye (also the name of a star trek TNG episode w00t.gif ). Hitch Hikers Guide To The Galaxy looks good as well. So does Episode 3.

    I haven’t seen Sahara yest. All these new movies coming out it’s hard to keep up. I want to see Sin City as I’ve always been a fan of the dark noir theme stories. The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy looks interesting and I think it was long overdue for a movie to be made but maybe it was a good thing since Cinermatic special effects have improved so much since the book was first released years ago.

    House of Wax looks interesting but I think it’s appeal will be based more on gore than on head games which really makes a good horror movie in my opinion.

    Yeah House of Wax is on the edge, I’m not sure how good it’ll be. I think Hitchhikers will hopefully be pretty good, after farscape (rygel) you can see that they should be able to produce some great effects.


    “Have you read other Clive Cussler books?”

    Yup, we went through this in a different post wave.gif , just you and me so far admit to reading Cussler.

    “Have you read other Clive Cussler books?”

    Yup, we went through this in a different post wave.gif , just you and me so far admit to reading Cussler.

    Ah yes that’s right :doh:

    I guess I better call it a night.

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