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Welcome Forum Car Shows Fox Lake

  • This topic has 4 replies, 5 voices, and was last updated 12 years ago by Anonymous.
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  • #5413

    Looks like the Fox Lake show made some changes. One of the bigger ones is that they have a year cutoff of 1992. Looks like we wont be going.

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  • #39652

    Have they had an issue with space for cars?


    We haven’t been to this show in years, but I do remember it being a big show. I think someone new took over this year, resulting in some changes?


    If memory serves, Tony Pipia turned over the leadership of this show to “new management” after successfully running that show for ten years. This would have been in the fall of last year, and again, if memory serves, Tony posted on this forum about the change in leadership.

    And, yes, there were space issues. That show grew quickly and there is/was limited space for parking way too many vehicles. Maybe the “new management” is trying to scale back the size of this show? I’m just thinking out loud here.

    Hopefully, the new organizer or someone working with him/her will jump on the forum and let us know what is behind the decision to cut off the newer vehicles (1993 to present)


    I found a posting for this years show and Info how to contact them and I did. They told me as Tony is no longer there and this is how as a group at the fire department they voted how to change the show. This is was from comments and suggestions they had received and decided to make changes to the show. They will try the show this way this year and are open to suggestions to improve the show. It sounds like to me they are making good effort to keep this show going as well as open to suggestions make it better. I told them about this website and suggested they enroll here. This way they will be able read and post answers to some questions some may have about the show. Also post the show on the car show calender. Here is what I found.
    July 28, 2012

    Event Name: Fox Lake Firefighters 11th Annual Car Show

    Event City: Fox Lake
    Event State:Wisconsin
    Event Location:246 W.State Street , at the fire station grounds

    Event Hours: 800am-400pm

    Event description: Wet n dry burn-out competion, 104 trophies, nothing under 39 “, food, soda, beer, raffles; : 1992 and older will be shown and judged

    Event Fees: 10.00 at the gate6.00 pre-register

    Contact Info: 1-920-319-2241or email flfd@foxfd.com

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