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Welcome Forum The Drag Strip Going to cruise night at QSL tonight?

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  • #4758

    Should be a great night for a cruise, but if you’re heading to QSL for cruise night be warned that there is fresh blacktop all the way from University Ave/Hwy 14 down to QSL (and beyond). It is loose blacktop, sort of like pea gravel over fresh oil. I went to Costco at lunch this afternoon and was sorry that I did. Quite a cloud of black tar gets all over your undercarriage as you drive through. And of course all of the soccer mom’s driving mini-vans fly through there, along with other drivers who generally don’t give a rip making it really messy. No QSL for me tonight as a result. If you decide to go, don’t complain about cleaning fresh tar out of your wheel wells because you have been warned.

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  • #36502

    Thanks for the tip! I’ll save some money tonight by having a beer at home!

    GTO Man

    Yea, thanks for the info. Looks like the music was just setting up when I went by on 12. Can always go in the back way.


    I wish I would’ve seen this before I left :angry: I got to QSL about 8:30 with a few friends after we attended the Bethesda Cruise In over on East Wash. Most of the cars had left, and the pea gravel mess was a suprise. Especially after you just cleaned your undercarriage at lunch :angry: :angry:


    I went. It was gravelly but as long as you took it slow it wasn’t terrible. It’s too bad that they had to time it poorly. Thanks for the heads up!

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