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Welcome Forum Car Shows Got a card in the mail yesterday…

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  • #2858

    Its the Pre-Registration for Automotion May 20-21.

    I’m patiently waiting to hear decisions regarding the other events that want to be held that weekend, but I’m going to go ahead and pre-reg anyway. If I decide to not go, I’ve spent more on less and pre-reg’d for other shows I didn’t make due to weather, illness, etc. This time of year I get anxious to get out and play… real anxious!

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  • #43587

    Should be interesting.. I do agree with the comment — it’s not Automotion that’s the problem, it’s the side circus that comes with it. I’ve seen posts on Facebook pages from kids in surrounding states that are making the drive – why?? Do they even know there is a show held at Noah’s Ark, more than likely not. I wish them luck, adding additional police is a nice idea, but they are outnumbered.. ending the other events may help more. Nothing was mentioned about the show at Mount Olympus, wonder if that’s still on?

    circletrack wrote:
    Should be interesting.. I do agree with the comment — it’s not Automotion that’s the problem, it’s the side circus that comes with it. I’ve seen posts on Facebook pages from kids in surrounding states that are making the drive – why?? Do they even know there is a show held at Noah’s Ark, more than likely not. I wish them luck, adding additional police is a nice idea, but they are outnumbered.. ending the other events may help more. Nothing was mentioned about the show at Mount Olympus, wonder if that’s still on?

    I watched a vlog on YouTube from Alex Martinez, the head honcho of WCEC. He had 5 good points bout attending Automotion this year, and I left a nice long comment to which he politely responded. I’ll post a link to the video.

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