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Welcome Forum The Lounge Help with html frames

  • Creator
  • #243

    I’m working on possibly adding frames to the site, but I’ve run into a bit of difficulty. First off I want the border to be invisible, so I set up my frames file like this:

    <title>Vertical Frames</title>
    <Frameset COLS=”125px,*”>
    <Frame SRC=”sidebar.html” NAME=”Sidebar” bordersize=0 border=”no” margin=”no” marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 NORESIZE padding=”no” BORDERCOLOR=#000000 Scrolling=No>
    <Frame SRC=”home.html” NAME=”Main” border=”no” bordersize=0 margin=”no” marginwidth=0 marginheight=0 padding=”no” NORESIZE BORDERCOLOR=#FF0000>

    adding border=0 and then border=no but it still displays a border. I also tried frameborder, but that also didn’t work. Here is what the border looks like http://www.wiscollectorcar.com/frames/frames.html
    any ideas?

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  • Author
  • #7154

    Don’t use frames, there’s a hundred reasons not to use them but the biggest reason is the URL resolves to the parent frame which opens a huge can ‘o’ worms.


    Don’t use frames, there’s a hundred reasons not to use them but the biggest reason is the URL resolves to the parent frame which opens a huge can ‘o’ worms.


    Thanks for the advice and warning, I appreciate it before I get too deep into it. I didn’t really like how the frames work and it seems like changing all the links will just turn into a really messy situation.

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