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Welcome Forum Car Shows Iola 2008:

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  • #3887

    I understand this is a 4 day event, but if I send in the form with 15 bucks, does this allow me to park somewhere on Friday and Saturday?

    Right now I’m thinking about driving up Friday night, stay at a friends house, and then head there Saturday morning.

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  • #32108
    GTO Man

    That should be good for the whole weekend. I am going up for Thursday and Friday. So you will be binging your car for the show car area? It is a nice way to go, prime parking.


    I wasn’t able to get up to Iola last year, but I did go up in 2006. Iola has always been an awesome, awesome show, especially for someone looking for restoration parts. It does take time, though, to look at what’s laid out by the sellers. I would venture to say that you can’t do Iola in just one or two days. If you are a serious “searcher”, I would say you need two to three long days to see it all.

    GTO Man

    After two days of looking through the ‘treasures’ I can’t take anymore. I think the car corral is one of the more interesting aspects. It’s always interesting to see whats for sale. I have seen some good buys up there over the years.


    I sent my money in last week so the Bug will hit the road up to Iola!


    Fantastic! Grab some pics if you can, I will be on vacation and yet again unable to attend

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