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Welcome Forum Madison Area Discussions John “Papa John” Kaisermann, RIP

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  • #3017

    Sad news just in. The Hot-Rod community is mourning the loss of one of their own.

    Papa John died Saturday, Aug. 13. No more Cool Happenings newsletters.

    We’ll miss ya! :(

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  • Author
  • #43436

    Wow, I take it this was unexpected?

    Thoughts are with his family and friends :(, I’m walking in their shoes


    Yes, as I was told.

    Outpatient surgery, then problems, and more surgery. His death was unexpected. Very sad for his family and lots of others too.

    Make every day count. As Papa John would say: “Keep Cruising and be safe.”


    For anyone interested in attending the funeral for Papa John, it’s Saturday, Aug. 27. Here are the details: http://www.sonnenburgfamilyfh.com/fh/obituaries/obituary.cfm?o_id=3839523&fh_id=12367

    My hat’s off to him. RIP John.

    GTO Man

    I didn’t know John but he sounds like he was quite a guy and had a big impact. I received his newsletters when sent and enjoyed reading them. May he RIP.

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