Yeah, that’s a good idea….NOT!!!!
Let’s give up another one like the last two (Vietnam and Desert Storm). We are the most powerful country on the planet and yet our own citizens can’t support the President’s decisions.
I will openly say I am no fan of GW, but I am a proud, registered Republican. I support my country, my troops, and my leader so I can enjoy freedom and not live in a world of disaster.
I’m really tired of these anti-war rallies, Cindy Sheehan (don’t get me started on her either, her son that died in combat she gave up her parental rights when he was a toddler), and this nonsense that our country needs a date to remove troops from the middle east.
Let’s not forget that they attacked us FIRST on OUR OWN SOIL!
No one wants war, but you can’t make an omlet without breaking some eggs. All we can hope is that peace will come from the war. Remember seeing all the media from WW1 and WW2? Everyone supported the war and the soldiers. Vietnam was the first war to show footage that wasn’t staged, and all that did was ruin the mindset of the reasons we were there. John Kerry and many others came back only to stab there fellow soldiers in the back with a knife by protesting the war they served.
My dad is a Vietnam Veteran who served two tours of duty as a Dustoff medic. He saw the absolute worst. He did that job so many soldiers could come home, and he also sent a lot of bodies home to there families. He did this service only to come home and get spit on while wearing his Class A’s and be called a baby killer. Some support for the troops, huh?
Now ya got me all worked up icon_cheesygrin.gif