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Welcome Forum Madison Area Discussions Madison Attitude

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  • #1492
    GTO Man

    The city of Madison(many of the people and government) does not have a good attitude toward anything that doesn’t fit their ideals. One example was a couple of years ago when Harley Davidson was having their big celebration. They wanted to have some events here but the City wouldn’t work with them on it. That would of brought alot of money into the city. Another example is the Corvette show Corvettes on the Isthmus. This was a couple of years ago and I think it lasted two years in Madison. I heard from the participants that the City would not work wwith them at all. There was a Mecum auction at the event also. We went but there was pathetic attendance. I believe the last two years the show took place up at HoChunk and in the surronding area. They said the smaller towns up there were great to work with and welcomed them.

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  • Author
  • #20725

    Yeah that’s why you don’t see many shows in Madison, only in the small towns around it. I think the only really big show that is close to hear is the Klassarama show at Truax

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