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Welcome Forum Madison Area Discussions Madison Panhandlers Move To Fitchburg

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  • #81083

    I should have seen this coming, Now that it is illegal to panhandle within the city limits of Madison, they simply moved to a new location. I was coming home from town this morning and saw two of them working the intersection of S. Fish Hatchery and Highway PD. I’ve seen these same two individuals working the intersection of Odana and Gammon for many months. I would not be surprised to learn that they are also working the intersections in Monona, Waunakee, McFarland, Stoughton, etc.

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  • Author
  • #81087
    GTO Man

    And from what I understand most of those people have houses, etc. Panhandling is their job. When are people going to get smart and stop enabling their behavior.


    I just stare at them uncomfortably with my window down. They don’t approach me for money….

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