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Welcome Forum Madison Area Discussions Middleton School Referendums

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  • #1257
    GTO Man

    It was nice to see 3 out of the 4 questions voted down. The 4th passed by a 51.5 to 48.5 margin I believe. It was nice to see these shot down even though I don’t live in Middleton. I think people are finally getting fed up with paying the taxes we do to live here.

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  • Author
  • #19588

    These school referendums, no matter where you live, are always contentious.

    I currently have one child (my 13 year old daughter) in the Verona School District. My oldest son, who is now 19, went through the Verona Area School District from 2d grade to graduation. When he was in school, and with a daugher in school, I don’t really mind, and actually support the referendums, but I do agree that the schools could make some cuts in some areas, instead of passing the increases along to the property owners in that school district. I have neighbors who do not have children in school, who are passionately opposed to the referendums, and rightfully so.

    I am not smart enough to know what the best anwers are many times to the referendums as they come up. But, you can rest assured that with housing starts and new developements will come more and more kids expecting to be educated in the public schools.



    That is one problem, the population just keeps increasing here

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