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Welcome Forum Car Shows Nationwide Auto Transport

  • Creator
  • #5370

    I just stumbled across your forum and wanted to throw my information out to all of you.

    My company, Fisher Shipping, is a nationwide auto transporter that can move vehicles on open or enclosed trucks. We have a portfolio of over 1,500 dealerships in the country that have used our service over the last 6 years. We have dozens of references if needed.

    Some things you should know about us:

    We carry a $1,000,000 contingent cargo policy above and beyond the carrier’s insurance.

    You will never get voicemail when call our office

    We answer our phones until 9:00PM EST, 7 days a week.

    You can check our site out: http://www.fishershipping.com

    If you ever need a quote on moving something to a show, please feel free to get in touch.

    Phone: 888-886-3456

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