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Welcome Forum Car Shows New Calendar Features!

  • Creator
  • #3883

    Hi Everyone,

    I sat down this afternoon and added some new features to the calendar. As you know there are a ton of car shows this summer and it would be nice to filter them a bit more to ones that are in your area. Now you can. I’ve created a couple new menu links on the calendar, Print Calendar and Customize Calendar. Both of these work in a pretty similar fashion. You can select one or more of the categories of shows and see just those displayed on the calendar.

    The printable calendar isn’t intended to replace the calendar, since we are often adding shows and information is being updated. Instead, its simply meant to be a list of shows that you can look at and then refer to the site for more details.

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  • Author
  • #32099

    just an FYI:

    when you select your region it defaults to Feb 2008.



    Try clearing your browser cache (CTRL+SHIFT+DEL on FF) and try it again. That was a bug that I revised yesterday so if you were on the calendar in the afternoon you may have cached the outdated version. If it is still happening, please PM me your browser version and the categories you selected.


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